Alex Headshot

Alex Cauble

Contact Me


Emergency School Website

nest js icon

This was a site that I did the build in about 12 hours of work. After the initial build I was instructed to put this site into maintenance mode. It was a rush job because the old website needed to be taken down for security reasons. I used angular and material because I felt comfortable with those tools. It was best to use something where I could leverage some schematics to speed things up, and I was comfortable with most of the components I would be using from other projects.

  • Angular 9
    • TypeScript
    • SCSS
    • RXJS Observables
    • Components
    • Angular Material
Check Out Site

ToDo List Full Stack

nest js icon

Created a Rest API with basic auth using JWT to store To Do's for a user. And used Angular to create and edit To Do items. I made this project to learn the nestJS environment and to strengthen my testing experience.

  • Angular 9
    • TypeScript
    • SCSS
    • RXJS Observables
    • Components
  • NestJs
    • PassportJS Local Auth
    • Class-Validator
    • TypeORM
    • Jest
  • Docker
    • Docker-Compose
    • Docker Volumes
  • Postgresql

Sister's Contractor Website

image of project website

This project was one I built earlier in my learning web dev process. But, I did spend a good amount of time trying to make it as responsive as possible. She's a great photographer and took the pictures.

  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
Check Out Site

White List Devices Project

Angular Icon

This project is a way to have users add their devices MacAddress to a whitelist. This whitelist is then put into the DHCP Server. Finally there's an automated script that will run against the api endpoint. This automated script will deactivate devices and E-mail the owner of that device to notify them.

  • Angular 9
    • TypeScript
    • SCSS
    • RXJS Observables
    • Components
  • Node JS
    • Javascript
    • PassportJS
    • ExpressJS
    • MongooseJS
    • MochaJS
    • ChaiJS
  • Powershell
    • DHCP Server Cmdlets
    • Pester Unit Testing

School Inventory/Library and Repair API

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This is the project I'm currently working on. It's a inventory solution with integrated computer repair and library checkout system. It uses express as a backend for a REST api. The plan is this to be an open source solution for schools to be able to use with an emphasis on tooling for schools that have 1 to 1 students to devices.

  • Angular 13
    • Cypress
    • Material UI
  • Node JS
    • TypeScript
    • JWT Auth
    • ExpressJS
    • Jest
    • KnexJS
    • ObjectionJS
  • Postgresql

About Me


hockey helmet picture

I've been a huge Minnesota Wild fan since they came into the league. There have been a number of seasons that I've watched every game.


sunset lake fishing picture

I've been in love with fishing since I picked it up in 2010. In the summer I usually bass fish and in the winter I normally go for Largemouth Bass and Crappie. It's always a fun challenge to see how to best target them. I like to think of it in terms of playing a numbers and percentages game.


hot coffee cup
lifetime coffee pots estimate

One of my favorite things to do is try new coffee blends. When I go the the grocery store, I try to find unique coffee that will keep me interested.

Contact Me

Hi I'm Alex. I started working with web technologies in about 2018. In the beginning I was just making some internal tooling for reporting at work (creating and styling Powershell reports), and I really enjoyed it. I dove headfirst into teaching myself all things web. Recently I have spent majority of my time trying to focus on growing as a Angular developer.